Top 10 Biological facts !

 1. Wearing a headphone for just an hour or so can increase the bacteria in your ears by 700 times as, these headphones creates warm, and moist environment in ear canal, which is ideal for breeding of bacteria . 

2. The consumption of shellfish, such as, cockles, mussels, oysters and clams is commonly associated with viral food-poisoning . 

3. During the entire life time, a female oyster produces 100 million young ones and hens lays 19 dozens eggs in year. 

4. The human of bacteria on each feet of human is about one trillion .

5. The teeth in human starts growing six month before the baby are born.

6. A disease called cirrhosis is more prominent in men without hair on his chest.

7.  The amount of heat  given of by our body in thirty minutes can boil half a gallon of water.

8.  The biological electron transfer reactions leading to the production of ATP moleclues.

9. The specific function within in the cell is carried out by certain structure called organelles.

10. The self destruction of cell, when it undergoes infection or get damaged is called apoptosis. 
